Partnering for Solidarity


Partnering for Solidarity ·

Movimiento Nacional de Comadronas Nim Alaxik


National Movement of Nim Alaxik Midwives (Nim Alaxik) aims to strengthen traditional midwifery structures at community, regional, and national levels. The organization also carries out advocacy activities to bring forward the demands of traditional midwives, and has set up a training program to support traditional midwives in increasing their skills.

Asociación Femenina para el Desarrollo de Sacatepéquez


An association of Indigenous women in Guatemala, Women’s Association for the Development of Sacatepéquez (AFEDES) works to enhance the autonomy and rights of Indigenous women, including in education and claiming intellectual property over Indigenous crafts and designs.

Centering its work on claiming Indigenous heritage and identity, AFEDES comprises Mayan Indigenous women who seek the Utz' K'aslemal (full life) through reflection and political training that promotes their own forms of organization, food production, Mayan clothing, and ancestral health systems from the worldview of Indigenous peoples to contribute to the elimination of all forms of oppression of their peoples.

Desarrollo Económico y Social de los Mexicanos Indígenas


Economic and Social Development of Indigenous Mexicans (DESMI) is a civil society organization that adheres to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle of the EZLN. Through its work, DESMI seeks to strengthen the community processes of the native peoples in the Altos, North, and South areas of Chiapas in defense and care of Mother Earth and the territory. Within the framework of the Solidarity Economy, it emphasizes the perspective of gender and the incorporation of agroecological, ethnoveterinary, and solidarity market practices to contribute to food sovereignty in the construction of autonomy.

Organización Fraternal Negra Hondureña


OFRANEH-Garifuna has been defending the rights of the Garinagu people (largely known as Garífuna) a Black community that escaped enslavement, mixed with Indigenous communities on the North Coasts of Honduras, Belize, and Guatemala and has built a distinct culture.

They defend land, water, ocean and flora and fauna, culture and language on behalf of all life.


Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras


An Indigenous social and political organization, the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) facilitates the recognition of the political, social, cultural, and economic rights of the Lenca and Honduran Indigenous peoples and communities in the southwestern region of Honduras.

Anti-patriarchal, anti-imperialist, anti-neoliberal, COPINH creates a space for constant debate and analysis of the regional and national situation, with the goal of improving living conditions and contributing to the emancipation of humanity in favor of a just, democratic society.

Center to Support Cooperative Development and Solidarity


The Center for Cooperative Development and Solidarity (CCDS) incubates solidarity in East Boston's Latino community in the fight against gentrification and displacement. A non-profit organization that serves as an umbrella for worker-owner cooperatives, CCDS provides technical, educational, and organizational support to current and potential members of cooperatives in East Boston, helping to build opportunities for decent work with decent pay for minority, immigrants, and low-income residents.

CCDS emphasizes the importance of language and culture and the use of popular education methods in engaging communities around cooperative development so that participants' voices are heard and experiences valued in advancing a sustainable and permanent social and economic justice neighborhood.

Center to Support
Immigrant Organizing


The Center to Support Immigrant Organizing (CSIO) supports and helps develop the work of individuals, groups, organizations and communities dedicated to organizing immigrants around the issues that affect their lives. Their goal is to help immigrants in the forefront of community and workplace struggles to develop their power and leadership not only to succeed in their immediate context, but also to contribute to the broader effort to build a more just and democratic society.

ENES Translations


ENES Translations offer reliable interpretation and translation services for English and Spanish. Their team of professional interpreters possess unique language skills and extensive knowledge in both languages. They support with interpretation in topics such as law, medicine, finance and commerce, and more.

Panta Rhea Foundation


Panta Rhea Foundation’s mission is to catalyze a just and sustainable world through food sovereignty, community power building, and grassroots liberation around the globe. They deepened their longstanding focus on change through three intersectional grantmaking funds: the Food Sovereignty Fund, People Power Fund and Global Roots Fund.

For a Loving Future


Founded in 2021 as a home for a community of practitioners committed to a world of belonging, connection, and abundance for all life, For a Loving Futures invites sustained engagement in the realignment of world views, practices, and knowledges.

The organization grounds its work in the values of love, trust, respect, and forgiveness, with projects and initiatives supporting learning opportunities and community-building experiences rooted in Indigenous and ecological principles.